
It's been a year!

"Fill the paper with the breathings of your heart". ~William Wordsworth

Wow. I looked at our blog, and noticed it's been a year since we've seen a post. It's been an incredibly busy year! I'm hoping to get back into blogging about our crazy and awesome life. I'll post a ton of pictures and catch y'all up on how our lives have changed over the last year.


I have a stack of presents waiting to be wrapped. So, here are a couple of highlights from the last year to hold you over:

1. Menchie's Frozen Yogurt opened up in two locations. Federal Way and Queen Anne. The third one is on it's way. This obviously has taken up the majority of our "spare" time. (who REALLY has spare time anyway when you have two little kids??) Menchie's is totally awesome. We love it.

2. Cameron is still working for Just Sports. He loves his job, and will probably never leave. He's busier than ever, but still makes time to be with his family and be the Young Men's President at Church. I don't know how he does it.

3. Greta turned 5! I really can't believe it. She's a super cute, super smart, super opinionated little girl. She loves to read and do math. (she chose math the other day over watching tv. Weird, huh?) Greta is in love with animals and babies. She also has a wild imagination and is a super big sister. She goes to a Montessori school for Kindergarten where she is thriving. I wish she would stop growing up so fast, though.

4. Austin turned 3! Actually, he will be 4 in April. It's hard to believe! He is a really amusing little boy. He has a heart of gold. He loves any kind of physical activity. He also loves to sing and dance. He also goes to Montessori school and is in the same class as Greta. They have an opportunity to grow close as brother and sister even as they are in school. I love that!

There's our live in a nutshell. This is going to have to do for now, because those presents are calling my name! Merry Christmas to all!!

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