
Totally Krazy

"We should practice and increase our habits of thrift, industry, economy, and frugality." - L. Tom Perry

Oh, man. I have 22 boxes of cereal, 39 boxes of Mac and Cheese, 10 bottles of juice, and 10 boxes of whole grain pasta in my pantry right now. Not to mention the countless cans of beans, fruit, vegetables. I can't help it. You see, I've become a Krazy coupon lady. I'm the person in the store you don't want to get stuck behind in line. My friend, Joyce, got me started with layering coupons with store sales. I first started with a website called The Grocery Game. It's a good site. I like it a lot, but it has a membership fee. (nominal though) I was "playing" the game exactly the way I was supposed to, and I was saving between 60-77% on my grocery bill every week! The only problem I found with the Grocery Game is that the list comes out on Sunday, and the sales end on Tuesday. That left me Monday or Tuesday nights (I cannot do this with a 2 year old and a 3 year old with me). It was becoming too difficult. I also noticed that the Grocery Game was leaving out a ton of Internet printable coupons, and leaving out how to get the best deal. Then, my (favorite) Aunt told me about a blog that I have fallen in love with. http://www.krazycouponlady.blogspot.com/. It's put out by a few ladies in the Boise area, but I have found that most of these sales are national. I have been getting amazing deals on stuff I need. A couple of months ago, people were getting Post cereals for $.18 a box! Today I got V8 fusion drinks for $.88/bottle. They're normally $4.99. Yep. I forgot to mention the amount of barbecue sauces in my pantry that I got for free. This is all so very exciting to me. I just love going to the store and spending 50 bucks and saving 100. My pantry is full. My freezer is full.

It feels so good. I just have to convince Cameron to buy me a bigger house to store it all in. Do you think that argument will work?

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I love it... I like that site too! Thanks for telling me about it!